Power Of Why With Naomi Haile

Bree Jamieson-Holloway: What Will You Choose to Embody?



Bullied, mixed-race, and living in poverty, many told a young Bree Jamieson-Holloway that hers was an uphill battle too formidable to overcome. So she turned inward. Heartened by her grandmother’s motto to “push on, regardless,” she crafted a vision that would anchor her life’s work: travelling the world, starting a family, and helping people. Now a published author, mother, equity champion, international corporate lawyer and founder of her own firm, Bree has realised her dreams — and then some. Last year, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister announced her appointment as the new Vice Chair of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal. Here’s how she made it. This episode is for you if: You’re struggling to feel hopeful about your future You don’t see yourself represented in the leadership roles you want to achieve You’re passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion You enjoy business but aren’t sure how to pursue it with a social conscience Looking for a specific gem? [3:00] Yes, you can overcome adv