Risen Church Nc

His Body: We Over Me - 1 Corinthians 14:1-12



In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul returns to the subject of Spiritual Gifts and enlightens us even more about their intended use. God envisions a Church filled with devoted members, filled with His Spirit, and leaning in each others direction. Paul makes it clear to us that Spiritual Gifts only find their true purpose when in service to one another within the Body of Christ. In this message, we break down what Paul determines is the most important Spiritual Gift, which we should all pursue. We define and discuss the gift of prophecy, and how it punctuates the design and importance of Church fellowship for every believer. We also hear Paul contrast this edifying gift with those gifts that lend themselves to being more individualistic and more about the spectacle. As we learn His Word and are led by His Spirit, God desires to give all of us a prophetic voice to speak His truth out to our worlds and insight that we might help build up our brother and sister in Christ.