Risen Church Nc

We Believe: Count the Cost - Mark 1:14-20



In our final installment of our "We Believe" series, we take a look at the place Jesus says that all true, devoted followers will end up eventually. When He called His original disciples, He cast a vision over them concerning what would become their number one passion, even if it would take years for them to arrive at it. Listen as we discuss how God wills that all of us be filled with a heart for reaching the world with the Gospel. We've all been called to make disciples and reach the nations for Jesus, through direct and indirect means. God is at work in our world to remind us daily that this should be our greatest passion. Reaching the world begins with reaching our worlds, and beyond what we are called to do, we are expected to support those who labor alongside of us. It all comes down to how much our faith means to us and realizing how great an impact sharing Jesus can have. One things for sure, we only know Jesus because someone first reached us.