Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Check in Q&A No.90



What do you think is better in your opinion, 30 clients who only see you for PT once a week, or 10 clients who see you 3 times for PT a week ? and why One of my clients has been working with me, in person, for just over a year now. She mentioned that she's hit 5 stone weight loss (some of it on her own, before working with, but a lot of it is whilst we've been training together) so I got her to send me progress photos. They looked incredible so I got straight on posting them on Insta. Then one of the other PTs in my gym sent me a post by a local online coach, using her photos and her story saying her results were all down to his online coaching and that they weren't done yet I asked my client about it and she said the coach is a close family friend and she dJust advice on on line programmeid a free month trial with him before lockdown, but didn't like it so didn't continue after the first month She sent him the photos, so I guess that's between them, but, from my point of view, it seems pretty shitty