Podcast Talent Coach

Why ChatGPT Means You Matter Even More – PTC 430



ChatGPT is all the rage. It's also the reason why you now matter even more than ever. As an oversimplified definition, Chat GPT uses artificial intelligence like Siri on your iPhone or your Alexa smart speaker. It is just much more powerful. GPT is short for Generative Pretrained Transformer. We'll get into a deeper definition in a bit. What I want you to understand is the impact it will have on your podcast. NOT ALL INFO Your podcast cannot simply be information. ChatGPT has nearly all the information anyone could ever need. It is the depth of the internet with the conversation of Alexa. It was an early Monday morning in March of 1995. I had just started my new job as Program Director of an alternative radio station in Lincoln, Nebraska. I was standing in the jock lounge. It was basically an open room with a countertop around the perimiter. All the DJs kept their stuff in there. Sitting on the countertop was a big, bulky, desktop computer. It was primarily used to schedule music logs for the stations. Howeve