Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Intuitive Eating vs. Coaching



Have you ever wondered if my approach to coaching is the same as intuitive eating?This has come up a few times with my clients, so I thought it might be helpful to break down what intuitive eating is and how it compares to coaching. There are a lot of amazing principles in the intuitive eating approach that I completely agree with and teach in my own coaching sessions, but there are also a few areas where I think it’s lacking, and I’ll explain why in this episode. Before we dive in, I want you to know that I always support you in doing what is best for you, whether that’s intuitive eating, coaching, both, or neither! Topics covered in this episode include:The differences and similarities between intuitive eating and weight loss coaching Where to find actionable steps to help you create awareness around foodAccepting your body and rejecting harmful behavior If you’re curious about intuitive eating, tune in!All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Episode 306: How