Zacks Market Edge

Are FANGMAN and the Big Cap Growth Stocks Back?



Tracey Ryniec and Andrew Rocco discuss the best, and worst, of the FANGMAN stocks, and Tesla, in 2023. (1:00) - What Is Happening With Growth Stocks Right Now? (6:45) - Which FANGMAN Is Performing The Best? (12:10) - Breaking Down Microsoft and Apple: Who Will Have More Growth? (16:30) - Struggling Growth Stocks: Is Now A Good Time To Buy? (27:40) - What Will Drive Alphabets Growth Going Forward? (31:30) - Can Tesla Continue Its Recent Rally? (37:45) - Episode Roundup: META, AMZN, NFLX, GOOGL, MSFT, AAPL, NVDA, TSLA, MELI