Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Freedom from Food Addiction through Truth Journaling with Debbie



Do you feel hopeless that you will never be able to get over your food addiction? Have you had success with weight loss in the past only to find yourself back at the same (or higher) weight again? If either of these describe you, you will be greatly encouraged by my interview with Debbie on today's Taste for Truth Podcast (links below). Debbie went from a size 28 to a size 12 and has been living in victory for over six years! In this interview, Debbie and I go through many of the lies that she has had to overcome in her journey. I've listed these below along with their corresponding truths. Debbie's List of Lies & Truths 1. You'll never be good enough. Truth: You don't have to be good enough, Jesus is. 2. You'll never be accepted. Truth: Jesus accepts you as you are, and honestly, most other people also accept you as you are! 3. Food has to taste good. Truth: Food has to be good for me and nourish my body. 4. It's not fair. Truth: It's an opportunity to grow closer to God. Truth: Everyone has somet