Odelami Emmanuel

Effect of Association on Spiritual Growth



Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the role of peer groups and associations on spiritual growth. In this episode, we delve into the idea that we are shaped by the people we surround ourselves with and how these associations can either support or hinder our spiritual growth. Host Emmanuel Odelami leads the discussion, exploring the ways in which our peer groups can impact our beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes towards God. We take a deep dive into the power of positive associations, discussing how we can cultivate relationships that encourage us to become better versions of ourselves and support our spiritual growth. We also look at the dangers of negative associations and the ways in which they can lead us astray. Through insightful interviews and personal stories, we learn how to identify toxic relationships and take steps to break away from them. Join us as we explore the impact of peer groups and associations on our spiritual journey. Tune in to gain valuable insights on how to build positive relat