Random Ish W Sonja

Damn it they got to me!



Checking in with Andre, it’s been so long since we recorded! We’re getting used to the new normal, are we okay with expressing happiness now? Some folks are still uber cautious and we should be careful, but are we getting programmed to be apart? Are we getting programmed into fear? I saw a few hundred people in the mall and I was not feeling being there, I normally really only like crowds when I’m behind the booth or on a stage, BUT I felt like I had been programmed. So many issues are being brought to our attention and then just disappear… Is there a sinister plot going on? Is there a conspiracy going on? This is the time to exercise our faith and keep our human rights!!! There seems to be a spiritual fight going on for what is right and wrong in the world. Speaking of the World, how is the rest of the World dealing with covid? A neighbor told me we may have it better than we think. Cardi B, so everyone was talking about her divorce we weigh in as well why not?? Is it a stunt just to be talked about? Is it r