Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

Together #1 "You Need the Church and the Church Needs You!" (1 Cor 12:12-26)



Together: Building Relationships in a Broken World Together #1 “You Need the Church and the Church Needs You” (1 Cor 12:12-26) Rainier Valley Church - Seattle, Washington - Sunday, March 19th Big Idea: “We’re saved into one body (unity) to use our gifts (diversity) to build one another up (Interdependence)”  Live in One Body - Unity (12:12-14) The Apostle Paul says the Church is the body of Christ that is made up of every single Christian playing their unique part. What ways does the church, the body of Christ, reflect and represent Jesus to a hurting, broken and lost world? (1 John 4:12)   What does it mean that Jews/Greeks, Slave/Free are all baptized and drinking from one Spirit together? What ways is the church unified in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How can we protect and cultivate the unity that we experience in the body of Christ?  Use Our Gifts - Diversity (12:15-20) The Apostle Paul compares each Christian to a different part of the body. Each part of the body plays an important role a