Alloutcoach Tim

Confidence in Your Ideas @LinkedIn - David Alto, Mentorship Series, Episode 4



In the second episode of the second season of my @Alloutcoach podcast I spoke with David Alto, a LinkedIn influencer, coach, keynote speaker, author of the new book "Fear of  Confidence". He has over 40K followers effective today (Feb 16, 2021) and about 15K connections on LinkedIn, is a renowned job resume and  career coach, with decades of sales leadership experience. In our  conversation, David shares some unique insights and LinkedIn tips that  you do not want to miss! Here is the timeline of our chat:  1:51 - Introduction / Background 3:47 - Follow vs. Connect on LinkedIn - what is the difference? 6:36 - Most Recommended LinkedIn Features: audio introduction & pitch, etc. 8:18 - David's opinion on LinkedIn Stories 9:59 - How David built his large following on LinkedIn in the last 2 years 13:03 - Why the Message of your post is Most important, not the format, etc. 13:49 - Did David have a particular audience in mind when he built his network? 15:33 - His experiences with Impos