Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Making Time to Create Peace and Freedom Around Food



If you’re already feeling behind, pressed for time, and like there are never enough hours in the day, how do you make time to create peace and freedom around food?For a lot of us, this is the million-dollar question. Our thoughts and past experiences lead us to believe that creating peace and freedom around food is a lot more time-consuming than it actually is. In this episode, we’re reframing the way we think about it so that you can see how it will fit into your life and even end up saving you time!When you work on your thoughts, the actions will follow. It took a long time for me to learn that it was my thoughts I needed to work on, so now I’m sharing what I’ve learned with you to help you get there faster. Topics covered in this episode include:How to cut down the amount of time you’re spending on food and weight loss Why we’re wired to expect this work to be time-consumingThe value of learning how to listen to your bodyI promise creating peace and freedom around food isn’t as time-consuming as you think.