Latter Gay Stories

177: Colby Majors | “Now Thank Him and Let Him Go”



Colby is a convert to the church, having joined at 17 years old. One year later, he left his family to serve a mission in Venezuela. He returned home from his mission after 10 months due to anxiety-depression. The root cause of this depression…he had been withholding a secret: "same-sex" attraction.  Not long after coming home from his mission, Colby met a woman who would eventually become his wife, and he remained closeted in an effort to allow God to “heal” him through his righteousness. After 15 years of marriage, and no longer believing that he needed to be “fixed,” Colby came out to his wife and they separated shortly after. What remains is Colby’s story of authenticity, of learning to love himself, letting go of the person the world expected him to be, and best of all: finding true love.  #Mormon #MixedOrientationMarriage #Family #ComingOut #RuralUtah