Risen Church Nc

His Body: Resurrection Victory - 1 Corinthians 15:29-58



As Paul continues to emphasize how the Resurrection of Christ is an inseparable pillar of the Christian faith, he focuses in on one particular aspect. He teaches the Corinthians how the of the Resurrection takes on its ultimate meaning as we suffer and face the various trials of this life. In this message, we heed Paul's invitation to view our hardships through the lens of Jesus' death and resurrection. We review the words of Jesus and hear the testimonies of His closest followers, and see how suffering actually allows us to tap into what all the resurrection promises us and empowers us with. As we bear the cross of Christ, we are being renewed and strengthened by His resurrection power. Every trial we face allows us to experience an exclusive grace and comfort of God. Each of these experiences gives us a taste of the Resurrection, as with every trial, the Final Resurrection comes more clearly into view.