Risen Church Nc

Jesus Stories: Open Eyes - John 9



All of our stories feature something that challenges or takes away our ability to see clearly. Perhaps we were born into something that has made it hard for us to see past all the obstacles in our way. Perhaps we experienced or encountered something along the way that frustrates our outlook on life. It could be, however, that we've set certain expectations and developed a particular set of beliefs that have made us stubborn and resistant towards anything that doesn't operate on our own terms. Regardless which category we slot into, John 9 brings to us a powerful word and invitation from Jesus. No matter what our stories look like now, they can be radically changed and redirected by Jesus. We may feel as if there's no hope for us, or we may question and seek to understand everything, but Jesus presents us another way. John 9 features Jesus speaking into our pain and problems, and promising purpose and an opportunity to witness God's glory. It also spotlights just how easy it is to miss out on God, if we re