Risen Church Nc

His Body: Resurrection Matters - 1 Corinthians 15:12-28



In this text, Paul begins to address his final area of concern within the Corinthian Church: Many were denying the Resurrection. While they believed in Jesus, they had trouble accepting His humanity and were questioning what the big deal was about His resurrection and the hope of our own resurrection. They saw no redeemable value in this physical world and longed for an escape. Also, they wondered why would God condescend Himself take on the substance of this world? Many Christians in our day fail to truly appreciate and understand God's plans for our earthly lives and His intent in resurrecting our physical bodies one day and restoring this earth to its original design. We too see Christianity as a way of escape and fail to understand that God's eternal plans very much involve this physical creation. In this message, we take a deep-dive into why Paul was so passionate about the Resurrection and why we should all seek a better, more full understanding of God's plans for this earth. We consider some of the