Light On Light Through

Every Eye's A Camera, Every Ear's A Mike



Welcome to the 10th Episode of Light On Light Through ... Every Eye's A Camera, Every Ear's A Mike ... or, How the Cell Phone On YouTube Has Made Movie Stars of Us All, For Better or Worse... It's good for outing racist cops and comedians, but that same cellphone-YouTube hookup, now in almost everyone's hands, means that any and all of us can wind up on YouTube at the drop of a hat, or the flip of a silent cell phone in the corner.  Some of us - including me - love almost any kind of publicity.  But what about those of us who do not? # # # Also on Episode 10 - and looking at the bright side of microphones - introducing Ebony Moore ... singer, songwriter, musician, actress ... you'll hear a minute of her record, Make It Count ... It's irresistible! I'm singing it under my breath even as I'm writing this ... Hear the complete song and more of her fine music at Enjoy! Paul web: