Aussie Expat Podcast

Expat Chat Episode 79 - Is Now The Time To Buy Australian Property?



Welcome to the seventy ninth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today's Expat Chat we talk about whether now is the time for an Australian expat to purchase a property in Australia. With the recent pullback in property we are seeing a lot of property spruikers saying now is the time to buy but is it? The performance of the property market in the earlier part of this year surprised some with the sell off abating and this has been seen by some in the property industry as a sign that the market is turning however we liken it to that great saying of "one swallow doesn't make a winter" just like one month of positive returns doesn't mean the selling is finished. There are still many headwinds in the property market which include rising interest rates, rising inflation and the reset of over 800,000 fixed rate mortgages to variable rate mortgages in the coming months. In this episode we run through the following topics: • Whe