Sex With Dr. Jess

Pelvic Floor Essentials: The Key To Sexual Health From Puberty to Menopause



Pelvic floor function is essential to sexual health a pleasure, but how much do you know about this key region? Do you know… At what age should you start thinking about the pelvic floor? What daily activities are hard - on the pelvic floor? Which movements can support pelvic floor health? How to care for your pelvic floor during pregnancy? How menopause affects the pelvic floor? We didn’t know the answers, so we asked the fabulous Dr. Kamaria Washington to weigh in on these questions; and much more in this content-rich episode. Dr. Kamaria Washington is a proud product of Detroit, MI - and she received her Bachelor of Science in Movement Science from the University of Michigan’s School of Kinesiology before pursuing her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston, Massachusetts. She then went to Therapeutic Associates Bethany in Portland, Oregon for extensive pelvic floor training in conjunction with Herman and Wallace pelvic floor continuing education. Dr