The Amanda Collins Podcast

Enhance your home’s energy using Feng Shui with Paula Nielsen



In this episode, we discuss how to enhance the home’s energy using Feng Shui with Paula Nielsen, who has experienced amazing shifts both personally and with her clients’ homes. Paula started getting really interested in energy at a young age and followed that through into her adulthood and career when she started studying meditation, Feng Shui, and Dowsing. She found that with these energetic art forms, she was able to not only approach the energy in her own home differently but also initiate profound wellness in the homes and lives of others. Starting out with BTB Feng Shui, and then learning Classical and Intentional Feng Shui, Paula set herself up with success by studying all aspects of Feng Shui in order to beautifully blend her practices according to her intuition. She speaks on how color, shape, and true observation of everything in the home are vital to creating a supportive space.  Paula shares three powerful tips on how to get started with Feng Shui and what steps you can take, which I invite you