Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Why Spiraling Is Okay, Normal, and Expected



Let’s talk about spiraling. You’ve probably heard of spiraling before, and you’ve probably felt it. Who hasn’t? But in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m interested in reframing the way we think about spiraling. We all experience highs and lows in life and I think we all know that they’re inevitable, but it can still sometimes feel like those lows are going to last forever. I want to share a way of thinking about the trajectory of your life that will help you move through the lows more quickly and easily so that they don’t feel so hopeless when they come. Topics covered in this episode include:The connotations of “spiraling”How to visualize the non-linear progress of life How spiraling applies to different areas of lifeIf you could use a little extra help getting through challenging times, tune into this episode and let me support you!All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Episode 12: Processing Negative Emotions Without Comfort Food: https:/