Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

25 mins Daily Hatha Yoga Routine | 12 Poses You Should Do Daily | YWM 649



Are you looking for the perfect daily hatha yoga class that you can do anywhere? For this yoga class you don’t even need a yoga mat and you could do it outside or when you are travelling on vacation. The entire class is done standing so it is incredibly versatile to be able to practice this class whenever and wherever you want! We begin with a standing twist to stimulate energy flow and circulation throughout your entire body, plus it will take your spine through rotation and release your back. Standing Cat/Cow takes your spine through flexion and extension and will open up your chest, release your diaphragm and improve your breathing. Our dynamic lunges will release your back, groin, and support you in balance and releasing what no longer serves. The wide-legged side bend takes your spine through lateral flexion and will continue to open up your breathing capacity. Standing Knee to chest and figure four pose will allow you to continue to practice your balancing and offer a deep opening of the hips. Addi