Risen Church Nc

Unstoppable - Matthew 16:13-20



2000 years ago, a relatively unknown Jewish carpenter cast a vision about the movement He was building and the unstoppable power that would fuel it for all time to come. At the time, before a modest audience of a rabble group of misfits and outcasts, this seemed like a pipe dream. Even those who esteemed this man to be someone special - perhaps even Israel's long-awaited Messiah - wondered if His movement could reach such heights. He didn't stop there in His vision casting though. He went as far to say that His movement would transcend time and life on earth, as in what He was building would bridge the gap between this life and what comes next. In a world where people were clinging to this earth out of fear of what came next, this seemed even more unlikely. 2000 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ is a global community, centered around a fearlessness of death and confidence in God's plan no matter how uncertain things appear. So many forces have tried to stop it, yet all of them proved to be powerless