Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

LIVE Check in Q&A No.94



Any valuable lessons from owning your own gyms/studios in the past? What alternative would you use for a client that "doesn't do apps"? Taking on an older client who isn't needing to do any sessions away from me to start with/use the app anyway, just record the sessions down in a google sheet instead? What sort of money would you recommend spending on Facebook ads if we are looking to direct people to trial out my boxing programme? I'm gonna be greedy and ask two (because I didn't ask any last week! 1. Any advice on how to stop doubting your ability as a coach when clients aren't ready to change and don't really make much progress? And, kinda following on from that, you guys talk about carrying out multiple consultations with a lead to learn enough about them and make sure they're ready to change...I'm having a hard time getting my head around the idea. What would that look like in practice? What would you go through in each conversation? How would you explain