Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Check in Q&A No.96



What would you offer local HCP to work along side you in a collaboration to boost SM interaction and referrals Feels like there is a need to track a lot of stuff these days. In terms of time available, would you say it's OK to be selective on what you track in the now and how would you make that choice? Cheers you pair of Brad Pitts. Im looking for ways grow my group training sessions- add in more group sessions, instead of having 2 groups of 8 people maybe have smaller groups but more of them Best way to check back in/re-engage members that you have spoken to, got numbers for and want to show value for again. General check up message vs lead magnet vs offering time for a health check up or for advice? Any suggestions? Long one but - The lady to won my 6 weeks of coaching competition has said she wants to continue past that point, but mentioned she was thinking about having a session once every 2 weeks. I know she needs more than that at least in the initial stages as she wants to get confident i