Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

How Coaching Increases Well-Being



How often do you take time out of your day to reflect on your well-being and what you could do to improve it?Life gets busy and often our own well-being is the first thing to go out the window, but prioritizing your well-being actually sets you up to be able to handle all the other things on your list. So… How do you make it happen?In this episode we’re talking about six of the most important areas of well-being, what you can do to work on them, and how they are all improved by coaching. Topics covered in this episode include:What activities promote well-being Why we sometimes turn to the wrong things to try to improve our well-being How to figure out what things really help you feel better Yep, coaching increases all six areas of well-being. Let’s talk about how.All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Journal of Psychology Article: Insight, Rumination, and Self-Reflection as Predictors of Well-Being: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00223980.2010.5