Podcast Talent Coach

Should I Rerecord and More Questions – PTC 437



On this episode, we are answering podcasting questions. What is the difference between downloads and listens? How can I see around the mic? What is the best way to approach guests? Should I rerecord old episodes. Plus other great questions. YOUR QUESTIONS If you have a question, you can always shoot me a message. You can find my contact info at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/contact. Or better yet, let's have a conversation. If you have a published at least a dozen episodes and aren't sure where to go from here, or you're not seeing the progress you'd like, apply to have a complimentary strategy call with me. You and I will get on a call, determine where you are, define where you'd like to go, and develop your strategy to get there. You can apply www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. If we like each other and I have a resource that will help you, we can have that discussion. But this call is all about creating your strategy and getting clarity.   HOW OFTEN? I’m just staring to podcast. How often can one record a post