Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

A Call to Fight (Jude 1-4)



Jude: Contending for the Faith For those of you who like to read ahead and prepare for Sunday worship, this week we will begin a new series in the book of Jude. Author D.J. Rowston once wrote that Jude is the “most neglected book in the New Testament.” The little book of Jude is often neglected because of several factors. The book of Jude is relatively short. In America, we are tempted to equate worth and importance with size. Since the book is short, many assume (wrongly) the book is unimportant. The book is tucked away in the latter part of the Bible and easy to miss. People do not stumble into studying the book of Jude. They must go looking for it. The message of the book is perceived as “negative.” Jude spends the majority of his time warning against false teachers and their impending destruction. The message of judgment and condemnation drives many readers away. For these reasons, Jude often gets overlooked by Christians and pastors alike. We are convinced that the neglect of Jude is a serious mistake