Aussie Expat Podcast

Expat Chat Episode 83 - Managing Your Affairs When Repatriation Is Unknown



Welcome to the eighty third episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today's Expat Chat we talk about how does an Australian expat manage their financial affairs when they are unsure if they are definately moving back to Australia and if they are when that maybe. Many Australian expats who move overseas maybe do not have a definite timeframe as to when they will move back to Australia, if at all but this should not step them ensuring they have a properly documented strategy when it comes to managing their finances overseas. Change is a constant in life and when you become an expat the amount of change can be greater then that what is experienced by someone living back in Australia. Many Australian expats can fall into the trap of doing nothing with their money when there is so much uncertainty however this can often lead to analysis paralysis and in turn undesirable financial outcomes. In this episode we run through the foll