Out There




When I saw the plane a few weeks ago I reached out to Michigan Mufon (Mutual UFO Network) and on their website I saw Bill's number and left him a message and he was kind enough to email me back right away and even suggest doing another interview.  It's been 9 years since we last talked, honestly I've kind of lost interest in the subject.  I know they exist, I've seen things, family and friends have seen things, so I dont' need to be convinced.  I'm always curious why people do what they do, in Bill's case he saw a UFO when he was a teenager and the fact that he has been abducted several times.  I know there are many who don't believe we get taken, all I can say is talk to someone who has and you will see the trauma it has created in thier lives.  So this week we talk about some of my sightings and sighting that Bill has covered, but also his own personal experience.  This may not be for everyone so skip this episode.  I've talked to quite a few abductees and discovered there are 2 camps, one seems like a won