An Interview With Melissa Llarena

176: How to ask for help when you need more time to focus on business - art of delegation



In episode 176, Melissa discusses the art of delegation and how it can be the key to achieving balance and success in business and life. She shares insights from a survey conducted with moms in business, highlighting the desire for balance and the difficulty many face in being resourceful for themselves and asking for help. The episode addresses the hesitation, resistance, and unwillingness to delegate tasks to others and offers solutions, including bartering skills and creativity to find a solution that doesn't always involve money. Send Melissa a DM on Instagram @melissallarena if you have a hard time asking for help. You are not alone! Just type DELEGATE. I have a quick read-through of a chapter focused on precisely helping you ask the right questions to get the help you need and do so with courage! Want this free sample chapter on the art of asking for help? Meanwhile, if you'd like to weigh in please fill out this survey for moms who want to make an impact via their businesses. Quick survey and together