Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Special Solo Episode: The Cost of Hiding Your Magic



Today I’m sharing the story of how I stopped hiding my woo-woo behind closed doors and became very public about using my magic. This allowed me to build a financially abundant 6-figure business that honors the Divine Feminine.    Doing this feels very scary. I had my share of trolls and critiques, including my own inner voice of fear and shame. I did it anyway. And I’ll encourage you to share your magic with the world, as well. It truly is one of the best business strategies you’ll discover.   Listen in as I talk about:    - The enormous amount of energy it takes to keep your magic hidden  - Confidence in yourself and the growth of your business come as you reveal your magical self  - Tips on marketing your woo from your feminine  - The “Hero’s journey” for women  - Connecting with Source to align with your magic   Purchase your copy of Love Based Feminine Marketing: The Art of Growing a 6-Figure Business Without Hustle, Grind, or Force, ( TODAY!!! Subscribe now so you’ll never mi