Aussie Expat Podcast

Expat Chat Episode 84 - Incorrect Assumptions When Managing Property



Welcome to the eighty fourth episode of the #Expatchat podcast where we discuss the latest tax and financial issues affecting an #Australianexpat. In today's Expat Chat we talk incorrect assumptions that Australian expats make when managing their property back home. Owning property is a core part of an Australians wealth building strategy however when they move overseas sometimes they will assume that the same rules apply even though they are a non-resident for tax purposes or alternatively they will rely on sources who may not be fully aware of the rules and regulations or that they may have changed in recent years. Since May 2012 the Australian government has made a number of changes to the tax laws as they relate to Australian expats and when it comes to managing your financial affairs even the smallest mistake can cost you a lot of money. In this episode we run through the following topics: • How does the tax treatment work when a property is a mixture of investment and principle place of residence?