Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Reproductive Shame & How to Overcome It



We’re talking about something a little different in this episode, and that’s shame around reproductive struggles. This looks different for everyone. For some it might be going through IVF, for others, it could be experiencing a miscarriage, or maybe making the decision not to have children. Whatever it is that you’re struggling with, you’re not alone. I think we need to talk about these things more because a lot of women do feel alone in these experiences, and that can contribute to feelings of shame. In this episode, I’m sharing five things that you can try to overcome feelings of shame. Let’s talk about these things together so that we can all feel a little less shame and a little more self-acceptance. Topics covered in this episode include:My experiences with reproductive shame The stigma around infertility and mental healthWays to overcome feelings of shame If you or a loved one are going through a difficult time with your reproductive health, I hope this episode offers some comfort. All show notes are av