Ask Noah Show

Ask Noah Show 336



Passkeys are finally here to replace your passwords! What are your boundaries when choosing to support or to avoid companies? As always, your questions go to the front of the line! -- During The Show -- 01:30 ZFS Questions - DJ Drive Slot hosting Niche of a niche Bare Metal Altispeed 08:20 Note Taking - Erik Standard Notes Joplin Technical debt Will the team be more effective? Evaluating/Bolting things on 17:08 NFS Stability - Jacob SystemD vs AutoFS Fstab Tuning NFS Noah's NFS Arguments /local/mount/point nfs auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0 22:05 AOSP Projects & Tensions - Sunjam There are 10 parts to every story Open Source remains unaffected Pit tour story 27:00 News Wire Linux 6.4 RC1 lkml ( GCC 12.3 GNU ( ClamAV 1.1.0 ClamAV ( QT Creator 10.0.1 Qt IO ( Par