
What to say no to when you need to focus on long-term tasks



What if you have an important task to work on, but urgent tasks take precedence again and again? And, the important task is pushed back over and over? In Done! No. 557, I share what you can do to get the important, not so urgent tasks done in these situations. How have you managed to get the time you need for those important, long-term tasks? Write to me and tell me. I'm sure this is not the last time I'll be tempted to fall into this prioritization trap, so your best advice is very welcome. Here's how Ulysses helps me set goals for my writing.  These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription. David Stiernholm is a ”struktör”. As such he helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure. His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of businesses ranging from well-established major corporations to entrepreneurial com