Father And Joe

Father and Joe E310: How Do We Trust In the Faith?



In this episode of Father and Joe, titled "How Do We Trust In the Faith?", Father and Joe explore the concept of faith and how we can trust in it. They begin by discussing the questions that bring mankind into a belief in God and the importance of being in awe and listening to our conscience.The conversation then turns to the dawn of religion and what gives the most value in life. Father emphasizes the need to participate in the faith and the fruits that come from living it, including going from grief to grace.Joe asks why we should trust in the gospel, and Father explains that the gospel offers a path to salvation and a guide for living a fulfilling life. He notes that trust in the gospel comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.The conversation continues with a discussion of how we can trust in faith, with Father and Joe emphasizing the importance of relationships. They note that relationships are the key to everything, including our relationship with God. Prayer is also discussed, with Father