Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Yoga for Strength & Flexibility:



This 60 minute hatha Yoga for Strong Glutes & Flexible Hips is a great strength and flexibility class to focus on internal and external rotation of your hips as well as build your glute strength. By focusing on the flexibility of your hips, you will improve the range of motion of your joints, muscles and connective tissues, making it easier to move in your everyday life. Flexibility training will support you in releasing muscle tension, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. A relaxed physical body will also relieve your mental stress and improve your overall relaxation. By focusing on building strength in our glutes in this hatha yoga class for strength and flexibility we will build muscle tone to support your body in better posture, core strength and overall movement patterns. Strength training improves bone density and your overall bone health. Strengthening any muscle group will increase your metabolism, supporting your body in burning more calories at rest. Strong glutes will support you in stabili