Risen Church Nc

Inheritance: Running Over - Ephesians 1



To have access to something great and not take advantage of it or even to underutilize it is such a shame. We would all agree that if there's a path for us to obtain something that can be ours and should be ours, we are only shorting ourselves to not pursue it. Yet, this is exactly the case for many Christians who fail to receive the fullness of spiritual blessings which God has deeded to us. In this series, we dive into Ephesians 1 which entices every reader with a word on God's riches towards us, how He desires to lavish upon us from His abundant grace, and give us a glorious inheritance in Christ. In this introduction, we distinguish between what this inheritance is and what it is not. So often the idea of blessings and riches from God gets diluted and reduced down to earthly, material things. Is Paul's message to us really about temporary goods? Is God really trying to draw us in with treasures that will fade and waste away? We learn that He indeed has much better, spiritual blessings to give us tha