Jen Lowry Writes

Special Author Interview with Almedia Ryan, THOSE BENEATH



Those Beneath by Almedia Ryan Deep within the woods, a hollowed oak tree opens into another world-the realm of the Sidhe. In an eerie subterranean labyrinth lies the kingdom of a banished clan, their tunnels filled with unimaginable threats. To survive, the clan shares their kingdom with all manner of devious creatures, and together they use their supernatural abilities to manipulate the elements and enslave weak human minds.For nearly nineteen seasons, half-human Veil has been an outcast in the only home she has ever known. When her betrothal to a warring clan of bloodthirsty Sidhe is announced, Veil learns that her fate is intertwined with the strings of a cursed harp, and she is forced to flee into the human world. Under the begrudging protection of Kellan McGrath, a farmer's son, and his kind-hearted kin, Veil learns that she is much more powerful than her family allowed her to believe. As Veil and Kellan's feelings for one another grow, Veil wants nothing more than to know if their connection