Grace Church

Praying Through Guilt | Raw Prayers | Week 3



Praying Through GUILT 5/21/2023 | Pastor Derek | Psalm 51    Big Idea: Bringing your guilt to God moves you out of your past and into your future.  Failed strategies for dealing with guilt:   Denial.   Comparisons.   Rationalization.   Blame   Reinventing God.   The Backstory of Psalm 51: 2 Samuel 11-12.  Three heart cries as you pray through GUILT   FORGIVE me (1-6).  CLEANSE me (7-12)   7 promises of Spiritual Cleansing   God will cleanse you with His blood (:7)    God will renew your hope. (:8)   God will remove your sins. (:9)   God will restructure your desires. (:10)   God will renew the Holy Spirit’s power. (:11)   God will restore your joy. (:12a)  God will give you new desires. (:12b)      3. USE me (13-15)   Praying Psalm 51  Pray for FORGIVENESS (:1–9): “Have mercy”; “Wash me”; “Purge me”; “Blot out.”  Pray for CLEANSING (:10–12): “Renew me”; “Cast me not away”; “Restore me.”  Pray for OBEDIENCE and offer yourself to God (:13–17): “I will . . .”; “Broken spirit”; “Contrite heart.”    Find more reso