California Real Estate Radio

Tight real estate market is persistent and it will only get worse for Santa Clarita home buyers



Here is a story that explains a seller's market versus a Santa Clarita home buyers' market: Once upon a time, in the picturesque city of Santa Clarita, there were two families: the Thompsons and the Garcias. The Thompsons had been living in their spacious home for many years and decided it was time to downsize and enjoy their retirement. The Garcias, a young couple with a growing family, had been searching for their dream home and were excited about settling down in Santa Clarita.One sunny morning, the Thompsons put their house on the market. Little did they know that Santa Clarita was currently experiencing a home sellers market, where the demand for houses far exceeded the available supply. Word quickly spread throughout the community, catching the attention of the Garcias, who had been actively seeking a new home.As the days passed, the Thompsons were pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming response to their listing. Numerous interested buyers toured their home, and they soon began receiving mul