Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Healing Energy Yoga Nidra – YWM 656



Welcome, this guided healing energy yoga nidra meditation is designed to bring deep relaxation and awareness to different parts of your body, supporting your immune system and your body's natural healing abilities. The yoga nidra or non-sleep deep rest will support you in letting go of tension, lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, and stimulating your body's healing response. Throughout the meditation, you'll be encouraged to focus on your breath, allowing it to flow naturally and deeply, promoting relaxation and activating your parasympathetic nervous system. You'll also be guided to set an intention for your practice, such as "my body is already healing itself" or "I am filled with vibrant health and vitality," to cultivate a deeper mind-body connection and support your immune system. We will use visualization to circulate healing energy through your body. Several studies have shown that visualization and intention can enhance your body’s natural healing abilities. "Effect of Guided Imagery with