Underdog Empowerment

Unlock Your A Game with BJJ Black Belt Nick Lamagna



Nick Lamagna, a black belt in martial arts and a passionate real estate enthusiast, has a story that defies expectations. Once a carefree individual, Nick found himself in upstate New York witnessing people making life-altering decisions about their futures. This pivotal moment propelled him to switch his major to criminal justice and pursue a career in law enforcement. While waiting to join the academies of the FBI, DEA, and others, Nick worked in construction. However, tragedy struck when his hand was crushed on the job. Faced with adversity, he made a promise to himself: if he recovered, he would devote himself fully to achieving his dreams. This incident prompted him to reconsider his path and put his passion for boxing on hold. During his recovery, Nick's mother introduced him to the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," which ignited his interest in real estate. He realized that this field offered a way to build the life he desired, an opportunity he no longer had with law enforcement or construction. Alongside his