Risen Church Nc

Pentecost: One Church - Acts 1 & 2



Capping off the trilogy of Christian Holy Days - Pentecost should be just as celebrated as Christmas and Easter. Whereas Christmas means "God With Us" and Easter proclaims "God For Us", Pentecost brings us the promise of "God Within Us". In this message, we learn about the origin story of the Church and the work that the Holy Spirit has been doing through it and within its members ever since. Just as there is one Jesus and one cross, Pentecost gave us the birth of the one and only Church. Listen and learn how the movement that began 2000 years ago continues to this day. The Church was born to be a vehicle that carried the Gospel to the world, with a focus on reliability, efficiency, and maneuverability. The mission is too great and the power within us is too sacred for us to not seek to be as closely in line with the original movement as we can be.