Risen Church Nc

In Christ: Clothed In Life - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10



No matter how much of this world we obtain or what we may accomplish in this life, deep down we all fear exposure. Our flesh is terrified of coming up short one day, where and when it really counts. However, our sinful nature tries its best to sway us with remedies that are proven to be insufficient. After pleading with us to embrace our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, as mere jars of clay, the Apostle Paul continues to invite us to take full advantage of our Life in Christ. In Chapter 5, he contrasts this flesh and our glorified state to come, along with this world and the Heavens above. As he so poignantly puts it, this life is like a temporary tent in light of the permanent home God is preparing for us in Eternity. In this message, we consider the two paths we can take in this life, whether it be seeking temporary gain or eternal glory. We relish in the promise of our Eternal Home and Glorified, Resurrected Body. We also learn how if these promises are our guide, then we can indeed learn to walk by fai