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Saleh Daher - Losing 100 Pounds - No Drugs, No Surgery



Losing and keeping off 100 pounds is hard. Having done it, Sal wants to convince you that you too can gain control of your weight. No drugs, no surgery, just new habits patiently created and reinforced. Sal’s daughter Grace Daher conducted this frank interview. Highlights: Here’s the Story of How Sal Daher Lost 100 Pounds with No Drugs and No Surgery –  You Can Do It Too Sal Introduces His Daughter Grace Daher Who Is Asking the Questions When Sal Was First Told He Needed to Lose Weight A Big 13-Year-Old on a 1,300 Calorie Diet – Misery! Early On It Was Evident that Sal Was Triggered by Food but His Brother William Was Not Sal Became More Active in College but Bad Diet Caused Weight Gain Lost Weight During Summer Break in Brazil – Less Eating More Moving Sal Was Fit in College, But Still Overweight – Did Not Realize the Burden He Was Carrying Around Sal Got Down to His Ideal Body Weight in His Mid 30s Out of Concern for His Blood Pressure Lost the Weight on the HMR Program – No Hunger – More Is Better How the