Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Weight Loss Success Story: Kendra Sweet, MD, MS



If you’ve ever heard someone else’s weight-loss story and thought you could never have time for that, never make it work on your schedule, or never succeed for one reason or another, listen up. In this episode, I’m introducing you to one of my Weight Loss for Doctors Only clients, Kendra Sweet, MD, MS. She has an incredible story and I think you’ll see a lot of yourself in her. She’s here to share her weight loss story and the added benefits that it has had on her health, work, and personal life. She’s done so much work on her relationship with food, her emotions, her relationships, and more in the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program, and I can’t wait for you to hear all about it. Topics covered in this episode include:How learning to manage your mind, body, and emotions can affect other areas of your lifeThe kind of guidance you get in the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program Learning to maintain a weight rather than staying in the cycle of gaining and losingIf you could use a little inspiration or you just