Risen Church Nc

Inheritance: Fully United - Ephesians 4:1-6



The heart of Ephesians is God's desire for us to take hold of our true and full Spiritual Inheritance in Christ. As personal and individual based as our salvation is, Paul shows us that our full participation and experience in God's Kingdom comes through belonging to the community being built by God. In this message, we hear Paul's invitation to see ourselves as part of Christ's body, which is a deeply communal and relational experience (Ephesians 2:11-21). Then, we hear Paul pray that we would come to understand and receive the fullness of God, which is our Spiritual Inheritance (Ch. 3:14-21). Finally, we see all of this culminate with a command to walk the pathway of a true Christian and member of the Church (Ch. 4:1-6). It's in this last passage that we spend most of our time, unpacking this call towards unity with one another, our brother and sister in Christ. We discover that to take hold of our true inheritance, we will have to share and unite in a life with our fellow saints. If we aren't pursuing u